[tor-talk] Request: Firefox extension/addon checking tutorial

spencerone at openmailbox.org spencerone at openmailbox.org
Thu Aug 13 17:59:14 UTC 2015

> Lara:
> I have no idea how to do it. And I bet most of the readers of this list
> don't know it either. Yet, they can be pretty useful in some cases or
> downright dangerous in others. Take for example an adblocker. It can
> fingerprint you, but it can save time, bandwidth, battery time. When 
> you
> have a short attention span like me, it can make a difference between
> reading the article and hiting back to the search results.
> Anybody care to make a peer-reviewed guide of how to check the
> extensions for leaks, cheats and other dirty tricks?

This would be super useful, as would a list of favored extensions with 
known awesomeness/issues documented.

* = PostHighjack

*But an ad blocker is so useful that TB should come with one installed.  
There might be a way to make sites think they served the ads, but TB 
users never see them.

*And a way to visualize/customize your fingerprint before you go surfing 
would also be useful.


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