[tor-talk] Hi!

Seth list at sysfu.com
Wed Apr 8 16:34:20 UTC 2015

On Wed, 08 Apr 2015 01:07:26 -0700, <gary02121993 at openmailbox.org> wrote:

> How do I anonymize my phone? Yeah I have heard that phones are tracking
> devices. I have to use my phone right now. If I have the money to buy a
> replicant compatible phone, I will. I'm running on Android OS and I as
> much as possible get my apps from F-droid. I rarely get apps from the
> Play Store.

You might want to expand on exactly what you mean by 'anonymize', because  
every mobile phone (and SIM card) has a unique identifier that is required  
for the phone to be able to make and receive calls via the cellular  

Exactly what activities do you to be anonymous from who? e.g. web  
browsing, phone calls, your movements while the phone is on, data brokers,  
law enforcement, etc.

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