[tor-talk] torsocks with mutt

Артур Истомин art.istom at yandex.ru
Thu Sep 18 13:04:55 UTC 2014

System: Debian testing with all latest updates
torsocks version: 2.0.0 from repo
tor version from latest Tor browser bundle

Relevant part of torsocks's log file:

DEBUG torsocks[7646]: [getpeername] Requesting address on socket 5 (in tsocks_getpeername() at getpeername.c:37)
DEBUG torsocks[7646]: [getaddrinfo] Requesting hostname (in tsocks_getaddrinfo() at getaddrinfo.c:44)
DEBUG torsocks[7646]: [getaddrinfo] Node will be passed to the libc call (in tsocks_getaddrinfo() at getaddrinfo.c:104)
DEBUG torsocks[7646]: [getaddrinfo] Requesting hostname (in tsocks_getaddrinfo() at getaddrinfo.c:44)
DEBUG torsocks[7646]: [getaddrinfo] Node will be passed to the libc call (in tsocks_getaddrinfo() at getaddrinfo.c:104)
DEBUG torsocks[7646]: [getaddrinfo] Requesting darkstar hostname (in tsocks_getaddrinfo() at getaddrinfo.c:44)
DEBUG torsocks[7646]: Resolving darkstar on the Tor network (in tsocks_tor_resolve() at torsocks.c:485)
DEBUG torsocks[7646]: Setting up a connection to the Tor network on fd 6 (in setup_tor_connection() at torsocks.c:331)
DEBUG torsocks[7646]: Socks5 sending method ver: 5, nmethods 0x01, methods 0x00 (in socks5_send_method() at socks5.c:212)
DEBUG torsocks[7646]: Socks5 received method ver: 5, method 0x00 (in socks5_recv_method() at socks5.c:245)
DEBUG torsocks[7646]: [socks5] Resolve for $HOSTNAME sent successfully (in socks5_send_resolve_request() at socks5.c:613)
ERROR torsocks[7646]: Unable to resolve. Status reply: 4 (in socks5_recv_resolve_reply() at socks5.c:657)

Am I right that it is mutt's request for resolving $HOSTNAME (it is local machine's name)?
Are there any perils to request to resolve local machine's name _to Tor network_ (yes, I know 
about local machine's name also in mail's headers)?

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