[tor-talk] Hidden Services - Access control.

Lluís msl12 at sde12.jazztel.es
Fri Oct 3 17:48:09 UTC 2014

In the man page description of

"HiddenServiceAuthorizeClient auth-type client-name,client-name,..."

we read

"Valid client names are 1 to 16 characters long and only
use characters in A-Za-z0-9+-_ (no spaces)."

but it doesn't say where to find the client-name.

Is it a hash ? How can I create it ?
Is it a nickname for the client ? Shall I define it
in the "torrc" file ?


On 10/03/2014 05:09 PM, coderman wrote:
> On 10/3/14, Lluís <msl12 at sde12.jazztel.es> wrote:
>> I understand that for "clients" you mean client processes as:
>> apache, httpd, etc.
>> Right ?
>> If that so, which is the point on specifying policies as
>> "reject" ???
> by clients i typically mean Tor Browser, users behind Transparent Tor
> Proxy, etc.
> by hidden service i mean entries in Tor config that map hidden service
> addresses to hidden services.
> ---
> said another way,
> clients access Tor via SocksPort, or TransPort, or ...
> Tor routes connections to hidden services as per configuration.
> these are different things; and SocksPort is not needed to "serve
> hidden services"
> if this doesn't make sense, perhaps someone with better explanatory
> powers can assist...
> best regards,

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