[tor-talk] New Feature: Tor Interpreter

Damian Johnson atagar at torproject.org
Mon May 26 04:11:08 UTC 2014

Hi all, after a couple months down in the engine room I'm delighted to
announce a new Stem feature for advanced Tor users and developers!


The control interpreter is a new method for interacting with Tor's
control interface that combines an interactive python interpreter with
raw access similar to telnet. This adds several usability features,
such as...

* Irc-style commands like '/help'.
* Tab completion for Tor's controller commands.
* History scrollback by pressing up/down.
* Transparently handles Tor authentication at startup.
* Colorized output for improved readability.

This is the last major feature going into Stem's 1.2.0 release, which
is coming out later this month. Until then you can easily give it a
whirl with...

% git clone https://git.torproject.org/stem.git
% cd stem
% ./tor-prompt

Running into an issue? Got a feature request? As always feedback
appreciated! -Damian

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