[tor-talk] Fwd: according to leaked XKeyScore source NSA marks all Tor users as extremists, puts them on a surveillance list

bauta at clovermail.net bauta at clovermail.net
Fri Jul 4 12:21:07 UTC 2014

So this is an official extremists database at a government organisation?
Are we now in a category close to animal rights "terrorists"?

Are there any anti defamation, anti abusive profiling, anti  
discrimination laws
the EFF could use against the targeting of a large group of privacy minded
online users?

Does the NSA barter this database of suspicious extremists with  
foreign services?
Certainly there are some friendly services eager to get their hands on  
IP addresses
of NSA selected suspicious extremists located in their country.

In a few years after joining, splitting, mining this subprime database hardly
no one will know the insufficient origins of the shiny new AAA+  
suspects database.

The new witch-hunters fabricate the witches.



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