[tor-talk] Download Helper

Lunar lunar at torproject.org
Sat Jan 4 22:37:07 UTC 2014

Alexander Dietrich:
> >I am not an expert in Firefox tweaks, but it was my understanding that
> >Greasemonkey could be used to turn nice hacks into scripts. We could
> >then maybe improve the situation for all Tor Browser Bundle users by
> >shipping the script with the bundle.
> If this is just about transforming the URL, couldn't you use an HTTPS
> Everywhere rule? Then you wouldn't have to install ( and audit :) )
> Greasemonkey.

I had more in mind of locating the “normal” video window, and replacing
it with an iframe with the “embed” version. Isn't that the kind of
things that Greasemonkey can do?

Lunar                                             <lunar at torproject.org>
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