[tor-talk] TBB 3 alpha logging

Sebastian G. <bastik.tor> bastik.tor at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 5 17:26:28 UTC 2013

05.09.2013 11:45, Lunar:
> Sebastian G. <bastik.tor>:
>> with TBB 3 (currently in alpha) Vidalia is no longer included.
>> How will a user be able to see stuff that happens, which normally would
>> show up in the log of Vidalia? For example clock-skew which will be
>> something the user is expected to correct. How, if he/she does not get
>> aware of it?
> I think this is a valid concern. I've just created #9675 [1] so it
> doesn't get lost.
> [1] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9675


I created ticket #9516 [2] to have something to open the log, at least
and you picked "TorBrowserButton" as component (I left it empty).

Your ticket description [1] says:
"TBB 3.0 currently has a button to copy Tor logs to the clipboard"

Since your ticket summary asks for what thought would be a good idea and
mine was about doing something to be able to access the log, did mine
become obsolete?

With other words should I close my ticket [2]?

I was unaware of this function.

I even thought: Where is the button? "TorBrowserButton" has it under
"Open Network settings".

Do you think it should be accessible in the browser (that was what I
asked for and hoped for being able to copy it), rather than having to
paste it somewhere to read it?

[2] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9516

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