[tor-talk] Windows Screenreader Users?

andrew at torproject.is andrew at torproject.is
Tue Sep 11 12:29:45 UTC 2012

On Sun, Sep 09, 2012 at 02:06:19PM -0400, csmart8 at cogeco.ca wrote 0.7K bytes in 21 lines about:
: I'm new to all of this, but would like to know in advance if any
: other folks have run into accessibility issues with Tor, Vidalia,
: etc.

Other people have used screenreader software successfully with Tor
Browser. For the most part, you ignore Vidalia and just use TorBrowser
(aka Firefox with our patches) as normal. If things go wrong, or you're
curious, Vidalia is written in Qt and should be usable with screenreader

pgp 0x6B4D6475

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