[tor-talk] Tor on Plug PC running Arch

Roman Mamedov rm at romanrm.ru
Tue Oct 30 04:02:38 UTC 2012

On Mon, 29 Oct 2012 21:38:56 -0500
Chris <teslas_moustache at riseup.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to get Tor running on a plug computer (used to be a Pogo
> Plug) that's running Arch Linux ARM on it. I'm SSH-ing to it from my
> laptop as it doesn't have video out.
> I'm just having some trouble figuring this out. Here's what I'm using
> for instructions: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Tor
> whenever I enter "# /etc/rc.d/tor start" I just get a busy signal.

Can you copy-paste what messages do you get. What do you mean by a "busy
signal"? Is this on a telephone? :)

Also how much RAM does your Plug computer have? As far as I know some
Pogoplugs had only 128 MB of RAM, and that might be a bit small for Tor (but
could be just enough since you aren't going to push a lot of traffic with that
CPU anyway).

With respect,

"Stallman had a printer,
with code he could not see.
So he began to tinker,
and set the software free."
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