[tor-talk] Porn make the world more free: Tor Porn Bundle?

Greg Norcie greg at norcie.com
Sun Oct 21 13:44:47 UTC 2012

Your idea has sound logic - but doesn't the current TBB support this use
case? (Without attracting negative media attention?)

If you are suggesting a Flash-enabled TBB to allow these youths to view
videos, that could end badly - Flash can be used to deanonymize users.

If said users are so oppressed that viewing erotica could get them
arrested, that's a serious problem.
Greg Norcie (greg at norcie.com)
GPG key: 0x1B873635

On 10/21/12 3:48 AM, Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) wrote:
> Hi,
> i've been at internet governance forum (in italy) yesterday and
> starteddiscussing a topic with several internet freedom/policy activists:
> "porn make the world more free"
> It seems a joke, but it maybe an important consideration.
> A teenager (12-18 yo) in 2012 use internet porn websites for masturbation.
> That's a real facts, i expect, almost everywhere.
> In places like Saudi, a 14th years old young have a strong need of
> masturbate like in any other place in the world.
> But he don't have access to internet porn with his broadband internet
> access.
> In the Saudi example there are already now people providing paid (and
> risky) access to porn for masturbation's needs:
> http://arabnews.com/jailed-facilitating-porn-site-access
> This as an example of a real need that stimulate people in finding
> circumvention methods.
> So, when a teenager in Saudi need to masturbate he have to find out a
> censorship circumvention tool.
> From a marketing perspective this is a clearly definable "need" .
> Ok, how can we think to make out of it (masturbation and porn) something
> good for freedom of speech?
> Imho we may think to create something like "Tor Porn Bundle": A version
> of TBB specifically designed to provide easy access to Porn.
> Then promote it trough custom targeted campaigns across all Arab World
> (and language/countries where internet porn is censored).
> Which would be the main result in mid-term?
> That most teenagers (and also non teenagers, but probably in minor part)
> in that closed-society will learn, understand and start using censorship
> circumvention tool for an important, basic need: Masturbate!
> We should not underestimate the relevance of this need because it fit
> along with the "Basic" human needs, like eating.
> So the effort and perceived rewards that a person have working on the
> path to satisfy that need is very high.
> In that hypothetical Torn Porn Bundle, we may deliver a pre-populated
> in-language list of porn websites.
> But also some "free" "in language" media website and other free / non
> censored information sources and social networking tools.
> That way, after masturbation, the user will be able to have a clear and
> simple path to start accessing the web in a free way.
> As a side node i would like to remind that the "porn industry" is valued
> billion of USD.
> If porn industry would became partners of freedom of speech players, it
> could means a lot of money for investment in campaigning and technology
> development, because it would means opening new markets to them.
> Opening a new market means having new consumer that means they would be
> able to calculate the economic ROI of an investment.
> * Porn supported the development of internet backbone
> * Porn developed early internet multimedia streaming technologies
> * Porn may make the world more free
> -naif
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