[tor-talk] Location-aware persistent guards

Robert Ransom rransom.8774 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 17:58:59 UTC 2012

On 10/15/12, Maxim Kammerer <mk at dee.su> wrote:
> Hi,
> Lately, the question of persistent Tor entry guard nodes in live
> distributions has been raised in a few places. Typically, the
> conclusion is that /var/lib/tor/data should be made persistent. I see
> it as problematic, since a live distro can be expected to be moved
> around more frequently than a typical desktop, or even a laptop. If we
> consider the current 882 Guard+Fast+Stable nodes in Tor consensus as a
> rough (or perhaps exact, not sure) estimate of nodes that can be
> selected as guards by Tor clients, then there are ~114M possibilities
> for selecting 3 guards, which, essentially, uniquely identifies a Tor
> user to a close traffic observer.
> In last comment in [1], Roger says that location-aware “profiles”
> would be nice, but difficult to implement safely. I don't see any
> problem with implementing such profiles, and think that the
> implementation can be even safer. It's pretty simple, actually: keep a
> secret persistent cookie, then upon Tor startup, concatenate it with
> the current public IP (or, say, its /24 part), use the result as a
> salt for hashing candidate guard nodes fingerprints, then sort and
> take the top 3. The additional benefit is that an attacker who gains
> access to Tor persistent state will not know which guard nodes were
> used without knowing an IP (although, a global observer might still
> iterate over all IPs that connected to Tor). There is a minor
> bootstrap issue of finding out the public IP (does this require an
> existing circuit at present?).


The hardest part is load-balancing among the possible entry guards.

Robert Ransom

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