[tor-talk] Tor download without browser

Robert Ransom rransom.8774 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 14 19:57:30 UTC 2012

On 10/14/12, Mauricio Klein <mauricio.klein.msk at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good morning!
> I have a doubt about Tor. I've already searched in Docs, FAQ, Tor Talk
> History, Google, etc, but didn't find a good answer. Hope you can help me.
> I already know how to use Tor with a browser (i.e. Firefox), and it works
> great. But now, i need to enable Tor to perform downloads without browser.
> For example:
> I wish to update my Minecraft files using 'Minecraft Updater', but i'm in a
> network that flows under a proxy, and this proxy blocks all access to games
> (Minecraft, Steam, etc).
> I just want to download Minecraft files and it's gone.
> I didn't found how to configure Tor to perform that.
> Could you indicate me links on internet, like How To's, to perform this
> action? There is a way to perform this download (Minecraft, for example) in
> a easier way?

Since you are only interested in censorship circumvention, not
anonymity, you can try to configure your software to use as a SOCKS proxy.  (You might need to set this as a
system-wide proxy.)  Depending on what kind of censorship your ISP is
performing and how your applications use, misuse, or don't even try to
use proxies, this might or might not help.

Please note that (a) this will provide NO ANONYMITY, and (b) any web
browsing that you perform through the same Tor client will also be
deanonymized by these other applications' traffic.

Robert Ransom

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