[tor-talk] TorBirdy gpg.conf

Bry8 Star bry8star at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 9 01:31:15 UTC 2012

Torbirdy, uses its own command-line & and when gpg binary is called with
all anonymization related gnupg options then it overrides those specific
options, if something else was specified for same options in gpg.conf.

so for Torbirdy, no special config is necessary in gpg.conf.

but, in windows, for Microsoft Outlook, or other email-clients, which
cannot specify their own torified gpg calls like torbirdy,
for those,
gpg.conf is needed to be configured+torified,
plus for other apps, if you want to use short commands, and
pre-specified longer options inside the gpg.conf.

any app, which cannot specify or do not specify their own gnupg options,
those will by default use whatever settings exist inside gpg.conf.

-- Bry8Star.

adrelanos wrote:
> Hi,
> While you are deeply into the gpg/Tor/socks/DNS topic...
> Could you recommend a gpg.conf for use with Tor please?
> Cheers,
> adrelanos
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