[tor-talk] Tor exit node IPv6

Linus Nordberg linus at torproject.org
Tue Oct 2 09:58:45 UTC 2012

torkbp3fpfg at hushmail.com wrote
Tue, 02 Oct 2012 07:51:36 +0000:

| So, does this mean that when I run Tor v0.2.3.22-rc
| (git-213ba1a70b41ea97) with dualstack (both v4 and v6) in bridge mode
| (twice the ORPort argument), both the v4 and v6 addresses are
| submitted to the directory authorities? And does this mean that they
| will both be presented at https://bridges.torproject.org/ ?

Your IPv6 OR port will be presented at
https://bridges.torproject.org/?ipv6=True .

The IPv6 bridges in the footer av https://bridges.torproject.org/ are
hard coded AFAIK.

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