[tor-talk] Can I trust Tormail

Maxim Kammerer mk at dee.su
Mon Nov 5 23:10:15 UTC 2012

On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 12:42 AM, grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com> wrote:
> So let's see, if I down my service, shuffle some things around, and
> write a 'big FUCK YOU' on the front page... I am now magically not
> a TLA and trusted by anons? OMG, that's total WIN! Hang on while I
> dial the field agents, you're about to see a bunch of sites blink :)

I don't understand. You and adrelanos are pretending not to understand
a very simple point that I wrote explicitly and clearly. Why? Do you
think that “they did it on purpose” is not an obvious first response?
I wrote why I think that a competent intelligence agency wouldn't pull
off something like that, and why. If you want to imagine them as some
omniscient entities as shown in the movies — fine, but please leave
the demagogy out of the discussion.

Maxim Kammerer
Liberté Linux: http://dee.su/liberte

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