[tor-talk] Emulating a VPN service with Tor

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 22:26:09 UTC 2012

> Read up on the "Tor2webMode" option.

       Tor2webMode 0|1
           When this option is set, Tor connects to hidden services
           non-anonymously. This option also disables client connections to
           non-hidden-service hostnames through Tor. It must only be used when
           running a tor2web Hidden Service web proxy. To enable this option
           the compile time flag --enable-tor2webmode must be specified.
           (Default: 0)

It doesn't say what 'non-anonymously' means. Or
what the option actually does. Or why it 'must only
be used when running a tor2web Hidden Service
web proxy', and if that's an actual technical interop
limitation or just nannyspeak.
I also don't need it anti-foot-shooting me in regards
to 'disables client connections to non-hidden-service hostnames
through Tor', I can manage on my own.
I'll look in torspec to see if it says anything about
what this actually does.

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