[tor-talk] Exclude nodes?

Maimun Rizal maimun.rizal at googlemail.com
Fri Jun 29 11:16:25 UTC 2012

On 6/28/12 1:50 PM, andre76 at fastmail.fm wrote:
> I want to exclude certain exit nodes.  The following is the text that
> used to work in my Torrc file.  With (got the version number
> wrong I'm sure) it no longer works.
> ExcludeExitNodes {GB}
> StrictNodes 1
> How can I fix it?
> .

instead you use country code, better you use fingerprint, you can find 
finger print in vidalia software, just copy it to you torrc, or u can 
find relays which fast, stable, and high bandwidth in 

ExcludeExitNodes $fingerprint,$fingerprint,$fingerprint,...
StrictNodes 1

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