[tor-talk] Postfix + Tor (Was: remailers)

tor at lists.grepular.com tor at lists.grepular.com
Mon Jan 2 13:31:05 UTC 2012

On 02/01/12 11:01, William Waites wrote:

> I wonder how the nym proposals would figure with this, because whilst
> you can send mail to ww at nnfd3wq5uvctzuib.onion and I can reply from
> there, it's hardly memorable. I think to be viable it would need the
> moral equivalent of an MX lookup on a nym.

I don't see why an email address needs to be memorable. That's what we
have address books for. I very rarely type an email address into my
email client. I usually just reply to an existing email, or use my
address book.

Mike Cardwell  https://grepular.com/     http://cardwellit.com/
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