[tor-talk] PhD studentship at Cambridge for study of privacy/anonymous communications

Steven Murdoch Steven.Murdoch at cl.cam.ac.uk
Wed Sep 21 12:50:48 UTC 2011

I have funding available for a PhD student to work at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, on the topic of privacy enhancing technologies and anonymous communications, starting in April 2012. The topic is broadly defined so as to allow scope for the PhD candidate to find his or her own research direction, but proposals relating to Tor would certainly be on-topic. 

The sponsorship is jointly provided by Microsoft Research Cambridge and under the Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards scheme. As such, applicants must be nationals from India, China, Hong Kong, South Africa, Brazil, Russia or countries in the developing world as defined by the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD: http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/32/40/43540882.pdf

The application deadline is soon (28 October 2011), so please circulate this advertisement to anyone who you think might find it of interest.

Further details can be found on the University website:

Enquiries should be sent to me (Steven.Murdoch at cl.cam.ac.uk).


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