[tor-talk] Dutch CA issues fake *.torproject.org cert (among many others)

Marsh Ray marsh at extendedsubset.com
Wed Sep 7 20:42:06 UTC 2011

On 09/07/2011 03:19 PM, Julian Yon wrote:
> My bank forces me to enter part of my password using unobscured
> dropdowns "for security". Sure, it avoids keyloggers, but what about
> *someone standing behind me*?

Do they have a gun? Otherwise, cover the screen with your hand or ask 
them to look away.

Realistically, this is nowhere near the biggest threat these days. It's 
mostly a holdover from security guidance from shared computing labs and 
pre-internet days.

Yes, be aware of your physical surroundings. No, don't think that it 
keeps you one bit safe online, unless you're that special case where 
your adversary is physically present.

- Marsh

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