[tor-talk] abnormal bridge usage since September

Lu Wei luweitest at gmail.com
Sun Oct 30 02:27:21 UTC 2011

Stumbled upon metrics.torproject.org/users.html , and found an
interesting thing about the graph of "Tor users via bridges". There's a
burst of bridge usage since about September 25, which correspond with
the recent spasm of chinese gfw, and extensive failure of GIFC's
products. My first impression is: wow, chinese users contributes the
main usage of tor bridge; but when I select other countries, they show
exactly the same trends!

So, as other countries should not cooperate with chinese gfw so closely,
I guess, the statistics of "Tor users via bridges" may incorrect; or,
the worse case, besides the attack towards GIFC, chinese gov also
launched attack towards tor's bridges, from all over the globe, to hide
its chinese origin.

Lu Wei
PGP key ID: 0x92CCE1EA

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