[tor-talk] WSJ- Google- Sonic Mr. Applebaum

Ted Smith tedks at riseup.net
Tue Oct 11 15:51:10 UTC 2011

On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 18:42 +0200, Andre Risling wrote:
> Here's how Google is a compliant slave.  
> You still use Gmail?!
> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203476804576613284007315072.html#ixzz1aMoq8l2i

This thread has exploded into a tangent, but I'd like to hijack this to
express solidarity with Jacob Applebaum. An injury to one of us is an
injury to all of us.

Is there anything the Tor community could do to stand together with
someone who has helped us so much in the past? I'd gladly donate to
whatever fund Applebaum selects, or republish a statement, or do
whatever else I can. I'm sure others would as well.
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