[tor-talk] Tor TLS error

Marsh Ray marsh at extendedsubset.com
Fri May 27 16:39:05 UTC 2011

Which version (number, distribution) of OpenSSL are you using? The line
number s23_clnt.c:607 might tell us something.

Could you get a packet capture (Wireshark, tshark, tcpdump, etc.)?

It's probably only a few KB of the packets which are relevant to the
failed connection attempt.

On 05/27/2011 11:06 AM, alex wrote:
> On 05-27 17:56, intrigeri wrote:
>> Not really, but enabling starttls mode makes it work: $
>> /usr/bin/torify openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect
> True, but I actually want to *not* do that.

My guess is that the problem relates to the SMTP server not accepting
raw TLS on port 465. Is the perhaps an MS Exchange server?

 From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_Mail_Transfer_Protocol :
> Server administrators choose whether clients use TCP port 25 (SMTP)
> or port 587 (Submission), as formalized in RFC 4409, for relaying
> outbound mail to a mail server. The specifications and many servers
> support both. Although some servers support port 465 for legacy
> secure SMTP in violation of the specifications, it is preferable to
> use standard ports and standard ESMTP commands[14] according to RFC
> 3207 if a secure session needs to be used between the client and the
> server. Some servers are set up to reject all relaying on port 25,
> but valid users authenticating on port 587 are allowed to relay mail
> to any valid address.

Can you use port 587?

- Marsh

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