[tor-talk] GSoC Student Introduction - Blocking-resistant Transport Evaluation Framework

Brandon Wiley brandon at blanu.net
Fri May 20 16:35:28 UTC 2011

Hello everyone, I wanted to introduce my Google Summer of Code Project,
which is a framework for evaluating the effectiveness of blocking-resistant
transports such as those provided by the "Pluggable Transports" project.

Using the framework is simple. First you generate some captured traffic,
some of which is encoded with blocking-resistant transports, some of which
is just normal Tor traffic, and some of which is non-Tor traffic such as
HTTP, HTTPS, non-HTTP SSL, Skype, DNS, etc.  Then you run detector code
against the captured traffic and it tries to classify the streams into those
which should be blocked and those which should be allowed to go through. The
detector code can use the full range of Deep Packet Inspection techniques
such as string matching, packet lengths, and packet timings. You can then
look at the results of which streams were classified as blocked and which
weren't and you can compare this to which blocking-resistant transports were
used. The goal is to find a blocking-resistant transport that gets past more
detectors than the rest. This is all automated much like unit testing where
you run a single command and it will give you back the results of which
transport did best for the scenario. Multiple scenarios will be available to
test against different types of attackers.

The purpose of this project is to provide a measurable way to compare
transports. It's quite easy to derive new transport encodings and to imagine
how they might be very effective against an attacker. However, there is no
way to test their real effectiveness without using them in the field, which
can sometimes be difficult to set up logistically. There could also be
negative effects from using a flawed transport in the field before it's
ready. Using this framework, attackers, both real and imaginary, can be
modeled and the transports tested against the models. The models can be
refined from experience in the field and field testing can be reserved for
only the most effective candidates.

There are a lot of details left to work out in terms of what traffic,
scenarios, transports, and detectors I will include in the initial release
of the framework. The important thing is that it will be extensible so that
new and better options can always be included.

I'm just getting started on my project blog, but there will be more up there
soon as I start to convert my notes to entries:
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