[tor-talk] 504 Proxy loop detected by Polipo

Robert Ransom rransom.8774 at gmail.com
Tue May 17 23:18:11 UTC 2011

On Tue, 17 May 2011 13:51:42 -0500
David Carlson <carlson.dl at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> I am using Tor with Vidalia Bundle 0.2.12.  I received
> the following error message when trying to access
> www.stcharlessingers.com.  I was able to access the site when I used
> TorButton to bypass Tor with my Firefox 4.0.1 browser
> The following error occurred while trying to access
> http://pdfforge.mybrowserbar.com/cgi/errors.cgi?q=http://pdfforge.mybrowserbar.com/cgi/errors.cgi%3fq%3dhttp://pdfforge.mybrowserbar.com/cgi/errors.cgi%253fq%253dhttp://pdfforge.mybrowserbar.com/cgi/errors.cgi%25253fq%25253dhttp://www.stcharlessingers.com/%252526type%25253ddns%252526ISN%25253d40AD95D2A57C4BEFA9F88CA3549305CA%252526ccv%25253d133%252526cnid%25253d971163%252526cco%25253dUS%252526ct%25253d3%252526sc%25253d504%2526type%253ddns%2526ISN%253d40AD95D2A57C4BEFA9F88CA3549305CA%2526ccv%253d133%2526cnid%253d971163%2526cco%253dUS%2526ct%253d3%2526sc%253d502%26type%3ddns%26ISN%3d40AD95D2A57C4BEFA9F88CA3549305CA%26ccv%3d133%26cnid%3d971163%26cco%3dUS%26ct%3d3%26sc%3d504&type=dns&ISN=40AD95D2A57C4BEFA9F88CA3549305CA&ccv=133&cnid=971163&cco=US&ct=3&sc=504:
> Is this the correct place to report this problem?

This looks to me like a problem caused by Polipo's configuration in the
Tor bundle you are using -- specifically, I suspect that Polipo dropped
the Referer header on at least one request, and possibly all of the
requests in this loop.

The proper place to report this bug would be as a Trac ticket on
<https://trac.torproject.org/> in the ‘Tor bundles/installation’
component, but we plan to remove Polipo from as many of our bundles as
possible as soon as possible, so we might just ignore a Trac ticket for
this issue.

Robert Ransom
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