[tor-talk] can't get tor to work :(

Joe Btfsplk joebtfsplk at gmx.com
Sun Mar 6 19:17:03 UTC 2011

On 3/6/2011 7:11 AM, Tolas Anon wrote:
> Hi, i downloaded the tor browser bundle today, and tried to get it to run.
> In the default mode, it will hang on "connecting to a relay directory
> failed (no route to host)"
> If i put in bridge settings, it will hang on "authenticating to the
> tor network".
> I've forwarded port 80, 443, 9001-9040 tcp&udp to my windows box,
> added pipolo.exe, tor.exe, tor-resolve.exe and vidalia.exe in my
> windows firewall. I have no other firewall between me and the
> internet.
> I'd appreciate some help.
> _______________________________________________
Don't know if this is your problem, but bet it's a prob for many.  I've 
noticed when installing Tor / Polipo / Vidalia bundle (not browser 
bundle) that installer does NOT add ANY info in the Vidalia settings 
screen, under General Tab for the  "Proxy Application (optional)" boxes, 
if I'm using Polipo.  My experience is, if I'm using Polipo, entering 
proper info in these 2 boxes is MANDATORY, not optional.

The installer left these boxes blank for several versions now, for me.  
Even when Tor bundle is installed to default C:\ location.  Tor / 
Firefox will NOT make a connection for me, when they are blank.  Many 
versions ago, installer auto - filled in the boxes - now, it doesn't 
even for full install to default location.

I must manually enter this string in "Start a proxy application when Tor 

C:\Program Files (x86)\Vidalia Bundle\Polipo\polipo.exe

Also must enter this in "Proxy Application  Arguments:" box:

-c "C:\Program Files (x86)\Vidalia Bundle\Polipo\polipo.conf

W/O the 2 strings above, Firefox will not make a connection for me.  
Don't know if others (using Polipo) have had same problem.  If so, may 
be a bug.

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