[tor-talk] check.torproject.org isn't working properly?

uu110 uu110 at cfl.rr.com
Thu Jun 16 15:43:03 UTC 2011

This isn't a criticism, just trying to understand.

I'm running debian .debs version of Tor & vidalia as a standard relay

I torify several browsers, such as Arora.

Using Tor as a proxy doesn't work, I can't reach any sites.

I turn off all proxies, then I can reach sites.

I go to Tor check http://check.torproject.org/ to see what it shows &
get this message:

"Congratulations. Your browser is configured to use Tor."

I can't understand how this status response could be accurate, since I
disabled all proxies in the browser.  Shouldn't it say my browser is
NOT configured to use tor?

It also gives me my computers IP, which, if Tor's not truly working I'd
rather it not do.  I'd rather it just let me know my browser was not
going through Tor.

Same thing has happened with a couple of other torified browsers.

Everything works as it should when I use tor browser bundle, but only
if I use included preconfigured browser firefox/namoroka.

This seemingly incorrect feedback from tor check would most likely give
people the idea that they're anonymous on the web when in fact they're
not.  Of course, this false sense of anonymity could be quite
dangerous in some countries/situations.  I'd hate to get the proverbial
midnight knock on the door just because I can't figure out how to use
the tor check site properly.


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