No subject

Mon Feb 21 22:58:58 UTC 2011

time when the tarball is available opposed to the point in time when all
packages and bundles are available. Mentioning the fact that packages
and bundles will follow (in the next few days?) should be enough?

This way the window of exposure in case of security fixes is smaller and
people can prepare/plan for an upgrade or stop the Tor process till they
completed the upgrade if it should contain critical vulnerabilities.
(Assuming the bad guys know about security related fixes as soon as the
change hits the git repo.)

I think this topic boils down to the question:
'Is it better to announce a release shortly before or after it is
I think it is better to know about a release shortly before it is
available, also if this means that user need to 'poll' the download
page/repos to see if the announced release is indeed available.

best regards,

(*) The method of announcements (email, twitter, ...) is not important
as long as it is defined.

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