[tor-talk] Tor Usage Statistics for Iran

Andrew Lewman andrew at torproject.org
Wed Aug 31 14:21:44 UTC 2011

On Wednesday, August 31, 2011 09:10:03 Joe Galvin wrote:
> Well I'm not presuming that any of them are from the opposition. I don't
> know what they're doing, which is the point. As I said there's no political
> OR social reason, as far as I'm aware, for the number have users to have
> multiplied x5 since last August. Just interested in why it has happened, if
> there is any particular reason. Maybe there isn't. It's a pretty
> astonishing jump though.

The Persian News Network has been promoting Tor to their viewership in August.  
This is likely the cause of the jump in usage from Iran. However, this is just 
a correlation.

pgp 0x74ED336B

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