[tor-talk] Setting up a Tor relay on the hosting server.

Damian Johnson atagar1 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 18:23:11 UTC 2011

Lets start with: what OS and do you have root on this box? If it's, for
instance, a debian based distro then that makes the setup a lot nicer.

On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 9:57 AM, William Wrightman <
williamwrightman at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I have a couple of questions about setting up a Tor relay.  I've read
> https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en and
> https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tips-running-exit-node-minimal-harassmentand
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/GoodBadISPs
> Here is what I understand happens.  Please correct me if the information
> below is wrong or could be better managed.
> 1.Select an hosting company. After you have the OK from them then upload
> the Tor tarball and untar it.  I think that only Tor is needed when you are
> operating as a relay (no need for the Vidalia GUI).  So at this point Tor is
> on the server of your hosting company.
> 2. Edit the torrc file with the appropriate exit policy.  Obviously you
> need to put the information in to make sure it is listed as an exit node so
> it is entered into the directory.
> 3. I think I am right to say that you could then need to execute the Tor
> binary. So if you have /home_directory_name/tor then you would presumably
> need to SSH in and run the binary.
> Or would it be easier to setup a cron job so that the binary starts but
> then stays on permanently?
> Thanks.
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