[OT] Problems With Outlook 2k2

Scott Bennett bennett at cs.niu.edu
Sat Jan 16 05:59:43 UTC 2010

     On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 13:52:35 -0600 Programmer In Training
<pit at joseph-a-nagy-jr.us> wrote:
>On 1/15/2010 1:43 PM, Harry Hoffman wrote:
>> isn't email (i.e. tcp/25) blocked by default as a exit policy?
>No (and apparently the list stripped my explicit reply-to setting). Tor

     I don't know why you responded in the negative.  The *default* exit
policy, which is to say, the exit policy in effect when no exit policy
is specified in torrc, does block TCP port 25 (smtp).  It is the smtps
port that is no longer blocked by default.
     However, there is often a number of routers that do have exit policies
allowing exits to port 25, so sometimes connection attempts for port 25
will work.

>does warn you, though (I have one email account that I cannot make a
>secure connection with due to the setup that is out of my control).
>Also, I do not use the Windows firewall (it's junk anyway). All my other
>accounts connect via ssl/tls.

                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:       bennett at cs.niu.edu                              *
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