Relay flooding, confirmation, HS's, default relay, web of trust

John Case case at SDF.LONESTAR.ORG
Mon Dec 6 20:30:28 UTC 2010

On Mon, 6 Dec 2010, Lucky Green wrote:

> The Web of Trust (WoT) concept provides for marginal security benefits
> and then only in a very narrow set of circumstances that are unlikely to
> hold true for the larger community of Tor node operators.
> Starting with the second point, the WoT concept presumes that trust
> between its members precedes the codification of that trust into
> attestations attached to digital certificates.
> In other words, the WoT might provide (but likely will not) security
> benefits to a group of users that have pre-existing social relations and
> trust. For example, members of a human rights group that have personally
> known each other, or at least the bulk of each other, for years.

Understood.  I thik this is worth implementing as a feature - a handful of 
known nodes begets a handful^2 of trusted nodes, and pretty soon a 
relatively small organization has a relatively large trusted network.

It may not be suitable for you, or for me, but it would be suitable for 
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