tor controlport wants authentication even if authentication is switched off

Sebastian Schmidt sebastianschmidt at
Wed Jan 7 18:03:03 UTC 2009

I wanted to play a bit with the tor controlport. To check some basic functionality of it I just switched the authentication in vidalia off and restarted tor to make the settings take effect.

ps aux shows this now about the process:

/usr/bin/tor -f /home/MYUSERNAME/.vidalia/torrc
DataDirectory /home/MYUSERNAME/.tor ControlPort 9051
CookieAuthentication 0 HashedControlPassword 

But if I now try a simple connect to it with telnet and type some random command I get:

$ telnet localhost 9051
Connected to localhost.localdomain.
Escape character is '^]'.
meaningless command
514 Authentication required.
Connection closed by foreign host.

Why does TC tell me authentication is required even if it's switched off? Or is this the default reply if a not supported command was given to it?

Tor version:
Vidalia version: 0.1.10
OS: linux


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