Force exitnode oddness

Geoff Down downie at
Tue Sep 30 18:18:57 UTC 2008

Thanks, that's very helpful, I understand what's going on a bit better  
The Tor bundle comes with Privoxy 3.0.6 still, I had some issues with  
the Privoxy Utility in 3.0.10 not running properly so I reverted.
On 30 Sep 2008, at 17:25, Fabian Keil wrote:

> Geoff Down <downie at> wrote:
>> Those nice people at Privoxy have anticipated the need :)
>> +filter {hide-tor-exit-notation}
>> +filter-client-headers
>> .exit/
> In Privoxy 3.0.8 and later, it's:
> {+client-header-filter{hide-tor-exit-notation}}
> /
> Using "/", as Referer headers send to "normal" URLs
> while leaving .exit URLs can leak the exit notation
> as well (if they aren't blocked anyway).
>> It looks like cookies are sent properly even though they are stored
>> under the modified domain name.
>> It also looks like some page requisites (images etc) may be fetched
>> from a different circuit i.e. not respecting the forced exit node.
>> Could be a problem if the page contains absolute URIs.
> While it's a bit more work than simply adding the exit notation
> in the browser, you can have Privoxy add it behind the browser's back.
> Another advantage is that it works for SSL as well (no certificate  
> warnings).
> For an example have a look at:
> -3.0.8.html#rewrite
> (note that the fingerprint has changed, though)
> And in case you aren't using Privoxy, there's always MapAddress.
> Quoting tor(1):
> | MapAddress address newaddress
> |       When a request for address arrives to Tor, it will rewrite it  
> to
> |       newaddress before processing it. For example, if you always  
> want
> |       connections  to  to exit via torserver  
> (where
> |       torserver is  the  nickname  of  the  server),  use   
> "MapAddress
> |".
> Fabian

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