FYI: ultimate security proxy with tor

Eugen Leitl eugen at
Wed Oct 29 15:08:09 UTC 2008


Ultimate Security Proxy With Tor

Nowadays, within the growing web 2.0 environment you may want to have some anonymity, and use other IP addresses than your own IP. Or, for some special purposes - a few IPs or more, frequently changed. So no one will be able to track you. A solution exists, and it is called Tor Project, or simply tor. There are a lot of articles and howtos giving you the idea of how it works, I'm not going to describe here onion routing and its principles, I'll rather tell you how practically pull out the maximum out of it.

So, let's start.

Major disadvantages of tor, with all its benefits like security (however, tor manufacturers advice not to rely on its strong anonymity, because there are some cases, when it is possible to track young h4x0r...) are:

1. Long enough session (60 seconds for one connection per one exit node, that means, that you will have one external IP for a minute)
2. Slow perfomance (request takes up to 20 seconds to complete, what makes surfing sites with lot of elements a disaster)
3. All the requests come through one node, and possibly route how your requests arrive can be calculated.

In order to fight these three we are going to use:

1. 8 tor processes, each using separate spool directory
2. 8 privoxy processes, each configured to talk to separate tor.
3. First squid, with malware domains blacklist, will have 8 round robin cache peers configured. (squid-in)
4. Havp, with squid-in as parent. (Anti-virus proxy, using clamav :) )
5. Second squid, that will use havp as parent (squid-out). Users will connect to this one.


Eugen* Leitl <a href="">leitl</a>
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

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