Lookup/reverse NOT correct

idefix at riseup.net idefix at riseup.net
Tue Oct 28 13:30:53 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Hi folks!

I'm running Debian testing i386. I update my system on a daily basis
using aptitude.

I added the noreply.org repository to my sources.list, and afterwards
installed tor with "aptitude install tor".

I followed the instructions given on tor.eff.org about editing the
configs after the installation.

I'm browsing the web with Firefox 3.0.3 and the newest versions of
NoScript and TorButton.

Now I was testing my setup at torcheck.xenobite.eu, and all is looking
great so far. However, the second "Your current FQDN" is not green, but
instead yellow. It says "Lookup/reverse NOT correct". What does this
mean, and is this dangerous?

I think so, because it would be better if its green, right?

Has this something to do with resolving of domain names, which means
that they don't go trough tor, but instead directly to the net?

Fast help would be really appreciated! Thanks so much!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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