php hex code for cookie authentication to controller?

Wesley Kenzie wkenzie at
Tue Oct 21 18:52:33 UTC 2008

per 5.1 Authentication in control-spec.txt: "To authenticate, the controller
must send the contents of this file, encoded in hexadecimal."

Fine, but when using the following in PHP:

$ch = fopen('cookiefilename', 'r');
$auth_value = fread($ch, 128);
$send_auth_value = "AUTHENTICATE \"". bin2hex($auth_value) . "\"\r\n";
$fh = fsockopen('', controlportnumber);
fwrite($fh, $send_auth_value);
$buf = fgets($fh);

... I get 515 Authentication failed: Wrong length on authentication cookie.

Anyone help me with this? Thanks.

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