Practical advice regarding Beijing Olympics and Tor ?

torist at torist at
Fri Jul 18 00:24:21 UTC 2008

Does anyone have any practical advice for visitors to the Beijing 
Olympics next month, regarding the use of Tor ?

There are reports of all kinds of security clampdowns, specifically 
on the Chinese internet infrastructure  e.g.

China: Locking down IDC server rooms for the Olympics

1) Is Hong Kong's internet infrastructure also being subjected to 
the same level of extra state control during the Olympics ?

2) Is it possible to download the Tor/Vidalia bundle safely within 
China ? Are the usual main distribution websites blocked ? Do you 
have to try to smuggle it in across the border ?

3) Is it unsafe to let your Tor client connect to any Tor 
directory,  entry or exit nodes within China itself, once you are 
physically in the country ?

5) What is the best practical way, right now, to avoid making  
connections to Tor directory , entry  or exit nodes physically 
within China ? 



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