questions about MinUptimeHidServDirectoryV2 in

Scott Bennett bennett at
Tue Aug 5 11:59:23 UTC 2008

     The tor man page says,

	"MinUptimeHidServDirectoryV2 N seconds|minutes|hours|days|weeks
		Minimum  uptime  of a v2 hidden service directory to be accepted
		as such by authoritative directories. (Default: 24 hours)"

My questions are, what is the justification for the default of 24 hours?  And
why have this particular option at all?  Why not instead have a "no longer
fresh/up to date" indicator somewhere, much like the fresh-until line for
consensus/status documents, so that a server that beomes disconnected or goes
down for only a brief time will remain available to provide hidden service
directory service as much of the time as possible?  Or, better yet, why not
simply handle this issue the same way that it is handled for normal directory
(mirror) service?

                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:       bennett at                              *
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