Hidden Wiki

John Galt applesaucefiend at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 17 06:45:09 UTC 2007

I installed Tor for the first time in
months and was disappointed to see that the default hidden wiki is
dead.  Well, at least it's not doing much.

If you'd like, you can direct folks to
http://s3hmhoras3bbfoam.onion/instead.  It doesn't do much yet, but
it's on a server that saw about 2
hours of downtime last year and it's more than is currently linked.  I don't
know what it'll do long-term, but at the very least it can serve to link
users to other hidden services (assuming you'd care to share the links with

If you're not interested then that's cool too.  I'm not someone you want
helping to develop the product but this was something simple I could do...
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