Firefox IPv6 Anonymity bypass

Mike Perry mikeperry at
Fri Oct 26 19:02:11 UTC 2007

Thus spake Arrakis (arrakistor at

> Greetings and welcome to 2006!
> Excerpt from "How To Create Torpark"

Heh, what's happened in 2007 then? Does this document still exist? A
couple of google searches fail to turn it up.
> Step 31. set as follows:
>     noscript.notify.hideDelay = 30	
>     noscript.statusIcon = false
>     network.dns.disableIPv6 = true ; ipv6 addresses fail through tor.

Does this in fact block ipv6 if no DNS is involved and image links are
numerical only? I am living in the dark ages of ipv4. Can someone who
has ipv6 verify this for us? From reading:

it looks like this setting is not enough by itself.

>     network.proxy.socks_remote_dns = true
>     browser.sessionstore.enabled = false
>     browser.sessionhistory.max_entries = 1
>     network.cookie.lifetime.days = 0
> = false
>     dom.max_script_run_time = 60 ;script running time
>     dom.max_chrome_script_run_time = 60;
>     network.proxy.failover_timeout = 0 ;always retry the proxy, never
> revert.
>     plugin.scan.plid.all = false ;Do not allow plugin scanning.
>     security.xpconnect.plugin.unrestricted = false; do not allow
> unlimited access to XPConnect

Do we know exactly what this does? It seems somewhat vague and
undocumented. Do we know any extensions it breaks?

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs
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