court trial against me - the outcome

Mirko Thiesen Mirko.Thiesen at
Wed Nov 14 15:43:07 UTC 2007

> Hm, so I send a letter with a faked sender's address - what's that? 
> How many letters get sent daily, which have been anonymized? I get 
> letters with no sender's address at all - on the envelope. You never 
> really know from where a letter came, even less now with the letter 
> centers in Germany (stamped in a center which covers a wide region). 
> So, I don't know what's different there compared to tor???

Well, they failed to understand the problem - and the actual crime commited.
Saying that I helped a criminal by running a Tor node is like saying
Deutsche Telekom helps criminals by providing telephone lines to them. It's
like saying that American Airlines and United Airlines helped attacking the
World Trade Center - after all *they* provided the aircrafts and thus the
weapons which were used in order to attack the WTC. The latter example shows
how stupid and braindead this argumentation is.

Seriously, the actual crime was ordering something on and entering
someone else's address details. The crime was not using an anonymization or
any kind of proxy at all. If the person who actually placed the order had
not used Tor, the police could have possibly tracked them down. But would
they have accused the actual criminal's ISP of aiding and abetting then? I
don't think so. Frell, of course not!

Bye, K&K,
|Mirko Thiesen          "We're with you all the way, mostly"|
|Mirko.Thiesen at    | |
|MPI for Biological Cybernetics    | Phone: +49-7071-601-638|
|Spemannstr. 38, D-72076 Tuebingen | FAX:   +49-7071-601-616|
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