using or-talk

Silviu Udrea silvicone at
Sat Jul 28 22:22:22 UTC 2007

<silvicone at> wrote: Hello. I'm new in your or-talk mailing list and I have subscribed as i would want to find out how can I make TOR to change automaticaly the exit node every time I navigate to a new page. 

For example, if i navigate 3 pages that link one to each other in this manner:  A to B and B to C, i would want that page A to be loaded through exit-node-1, page B through exit-node-2 and page C through exit-node-3.

Is this possible. I've read that the exit-node changes if the connection stays the  same for a very long time for security reasons. Maybe if i could configure that time to refresh the exit-node option... say it instead after 5 minutes of inactivity to after 1 second.

I also want to say that english is not my first language, so i might not made me understood and i want to ask you politely to be patiente with me. 

Thanks in advance and i wish you to have a wonderfull day.

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