Removing TOR from Registry

Vincent BTinternet vincentnls at
Wed Jan 3 06:35:21 UTC 2007

No disrespect to TOR users and all those who put in all the hard work to 
make a reliable program (free more importantly) that innocent people can 
use and I myself have enjoyed the privileges of trying to browse 
anonymously as an extra security feature but once again I am having to 
remove Tor and not look back for a while cos it does get in the way of 
some of my other installed applications.
I use Windows not Linux which Tor appears to be better suited.

I have just recently solved a problem after my pc became corrupted and I 
found privoxy blocking ads from my FTP client - I needed the latest 
Macromedia Flash player.

Is there a command I can run in the command prompts to completely clear 
TOR from my system or registry safely?

I reiterate, this is temporary and I do intend reusing TOR again 
sometime in the future again.

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