Tor server web page?

Michael Holstein michael.holstein at
Thu Feb 22 20:44:59 UTC 2007

Run Apache (or whatever) on the same box and follow these instructions :

specifically :

To offer your directory mirror on port 80, where apache is already 
listening, add this to your apache config:

    <IfModule mod_proxy.c>
        ProxyPass /tor/ http://localhost:9030/tor/
        ProxyPassReverse /tor/ http://localhost:9030/tor/

Then just set the basic html page as you describe in httdocs. It's also 
a good idea to have the reverse dns say something like 
"" because that's the first place 
folks will look.


Michael Holstein CISSP GCIA
Cleveland State University

Sam Creasey wrote:
> I know I've seen this discussed on here, and it's pretty much just a
> FAQ at this point, but somehow my google skills are failing me...
> Does anyone have a link to some example text to reply to HTTP queries
> for the / page of an ip which runs *only* a tor exit server? (http://torserver/)
> Something along the lines of "Any traffic you've seen from this IP was
> generated by a tor server.  there is nothing to see here."
> Thanks.
> -- Sam

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