Best Hardware for TOR server..

Jay Goodman Tamboli jay at
Fri Dec 14 15:37:48 UTC 2007

On Dec 14, 2007, at 10:09:28, Michael Holstein wrote:

>> all behind a  Linksys Firewall Router.
> This will be a problem. Cheap-o routers don't have enough memory to  
> manage huge state tables.

I haven't noticed any such problems with an Apple Airport Extreme  

>>  My service provider will most likely be Comcast cable broadband.
> YMMV, but Comcrap will axe you if they know you're running servers,  
> and they WILL know that if you decide to run an exit, because  
> they'll get lots of complaints about it. I lost count of the number  
> of complaints mine generated, but I still have copies of the various  
> subpoenas I got (*).

I've been running a server (phrenograph) on a Comcast connection in  
the Washington, DC, area for a few months now, and I haven't heard  
anything from Comcast about it.

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