Using Gmail (with Tor) is a bad idea

Enrico Scholz enrico.scholz at
Tue Sep 19 06:52:44 UTC 2006

freebsd-listen at (Fabian Keil) writes:

> FILTER: googlemail Hides sponsored links with css and shows why
> insecure mail transfer is a bad idea.

Using unencrypted transfer is always a bad idea; not only with Tor. It just
moves the attack-point for sniffing attacks from e.g. your cable-modem
network, your ISP and the hops till the the webserver to the exit-node and
the hops till the webserver. The way where password data are transferred
unencrypted might be even shorter (e.g. when exit-node is nearer to the
webserver) or more secure (e.g. when you are in a cable-modem network) with

A much bigger problem with Gmail is, that it requires an existing account
to create a new one. Hence, there exist a chain between your anonymous
account and the account of a known person which can reveal your true

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