Protecting exit-nodes by GeoIP based policy

glymr glymr_darkmoon at
Mon Sep 11 08:21:12 UTC 2006

oh dear, that did not parse correctly. If the licenses are different,
the gpl permits the use of interfaces of the softawre to be exported as
such, this is for the neccessary reason that it is, for example,
possible to use a closed source scripting system with the apache web
server. The http protocol is not covered, nor would it be permitted to
be covered, by a gpl, it is public domain. Unless this were the case the
software would be legally rendered useless.

glymr wrote:
> I may be mistaken, but just as is the practise with the linux kernel, it
> is not permissible to mix licenses when only interfaces are used, mixing
> licenses within a gpl licensed software unit is tainting the license but
> using an exported interface is not. The only thing that would be
> required would be a second license display to cover the two pieces of
> differently licensed software. GeoIP, as far as I know, has an
> interface, and does not have to be meshed directly with any software
> using it.
>> Maybe later today I might write a small bash-script that takes
>> GeoIP-Data and a tor-operators wishes and creates a set of
>> exit-policies. Then you have two separated solutions (thus the licenses
>> should not clash) and can integrate that in your current setup.
>> -- Lexi

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