Tor and speed

xiando xiando at
Mon Nov 13 09:09:39 UTC 2006

> The TOR network is less and less fast, as more and more servers are
> available, but with very low speed. It is probably good for anonymity, but
> sometimes it can make the network unusable, 3 minutes to load a small page
> is prohibitive.
> Is there a way to select the TOR nodes according to their SPEED?

Let's say I have two Tor-servers.

A) A server with a limit of 500 KB/s which is pushing 500 KB/s of Tor-traffic.
B) A server with a limit of 100 KB/s which is pushing 10-20 KB/s.

Which server will pass the the circut you are using to load a page on faster?

Now you and other people see that oh, server A has lots of bandwidth, let's 
all use that as a preferred server, now it's got a truckload of users who 
have asked for their circuts to go through it, now it's even more 

...while those who get circuts going through server B get higher speeds, 
because this server has 80-90 KB/s available for traffic, while A is already 

ot allow such routing. I have even exposed their secret document at and it states:


EntryNodes nickname,nickname,...
    A list of preferred nodes to use for the first hop in the circuit. These 
are treated only as preferences unless StrictEntryNodes (see below) is also 

ExitNodes nickname,nickname,...
    A list of preferred nodes to use for the last hop in the circuit. These 
are treated only as preferences unless StrictExitNodes (see below) is also 

StrictEntryNodes 0|1
    If 1, Tor will never use any nodes besides those listed in "EntryNodes" 
for the first hop of a circuit. 

StrictExitNodes 0|1
    If 1, Tor will never use any nodes besides those listed in "ExitNodes" for 
the last hop of a circuit. 

Yes, you can select a handful of fast nodes who will always be used as 
entrynodes, you can also select a handful of fast nodes who are used as 
ExitNodes, but you can't select the middleman, which is always selected for 
you regardless of configuration. 

But I'm GCHQ (look them up, if you traffic is going through UK then they see 
it) and I run two fast Tor-servers and you select my servers for both Entry 
and Exit and how I have both first and last step of all your Tor-circuts and 
now I'm using traffic analysis and now on to you and now you're doomed. 

FUD aside, using StrictEntryNodes and StrictExitNode and a short list of fast 
servers gives you lousy security properties. But you can if you want to.

911 inside job. (Democrats + Republicans) == CFR

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